Chair – Ryan Mumma, CBO, ACO – City of Bellevue


To provide and coordinate education opportunities for building officials, code professionals, and industry partners.


The education Committee is a standing committee of the Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO) tasked with assisting the board in providing education for code professionals, design professionals, and industry partners.  The committee’s goal is to provide continuing education that foster professional development, exposure to emerging technologies, code update training and discipline specific training.  The committee is responsible for obtaining feedback from the membership and those it serves to determine desired topics for continuing education. 


  • Coordinate the Annual Education Institute by determining class subjects and recommend instructors
  • Coordinate WABO training seminars by determining class subjects and recommend instructors
  • Coordinate cooperative professional development initiatives with industry organizations; community colleges; vocational-technical schools; et. al.
  • Coordinate collaboration of WABO, ICC chapter professional development-related activities (e.g. code updates, code reformatting, metric conversion, ICC seminar sponsorship, et. al.)
  • Coordinate development of training packages (e.g. "road shows", et. al.)
  • Provide a professional development opportunities clearing house service (e.g. calendar, registration announcements, et. al.)
  • Investigate professional development programs for industry organizations (e.g. designers, builders, contractors, subcontractors, et. al.)


We tell our children education is very important - and that same thought applies to our industry as well. The WABO Education Committee helps to orchestrate some of our areas most premiere continuing education opportunities for Building and Life Safety. We meet at every WABO quarterly meeting. Primarily, our committee is responsible for helping guide the WABO office in putting together a schedule of classes and presentations for our Annual Education Institute (AEI) as well as Seminars. We will discuss the educational needs that are relevant and pertinent for our state and match that up with the proper/best presenters and trainers for that subject. Besides local experts we will bring in the best in the industry from nationally-recognized organizations such as - ICC, NFPA, NEMA, etc. We listen to our peers via the surveys/course evaluations they leave for us after every Annual Education Institute, this helps inform us of what actions to take to always get better and make better decisions regarding class topics, presenters, location, thoroughness. By joining the Education Committee you will be part of this highly important group that keeps our industry and its people at their best. We not only seek people that are engaged and value the process of continued education, but we also need people who have the desire and commitment to reach out to their peers, customers and facilitators to always be on the front edge of new topics and trends that provide great training opportunities.