2023 WABO Summer Quarterly Business Meeting
Thursday, July 20, 2023, 8:00 AM to Friday, July 21, 2023, 12:00 PM PDT
Category: WABO Meetings / Training
WABO Members - Please sign in to your Profile before registering for WABO events.
WABO Summer Quarterly Business Meeting
Ocean Shores Convention Center Room Block setup at: _______________________________________________________ Meeting Scholarship Offer WABO is once again offering a meeting scholarship for jurisdictional members to attend their first WABO meeting or if it has been over a year since you last attended. One scholarship per person (if you have received a scholarship in the past, you are not eligible). The scholarship includes the registration fee and two nights lodging. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, check the proper box on the registration form. _______________________________________________________ WABO Retiree's WABO is extending our invitation to fully retired WABO members to include all WABO quarterly meetings and not limited to just the Spring Quarterly Business Meeting. Retirees have the option to select the meeting that best suites their location and schedule. Please note retirees will be limited to one free meeting registration of their choosing per year. _______________________________________________________ AGENDA
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